December 7, 2022

Dear Friends,
I would like to share an update from Mongolia that fits in perfectly with our year-end theme: equipping kids, changing families.

As you know—with the help of our partners in the United Kingdom and New Zealand—we were able to distribute 600 Winter Kits to at-risk children in Mongolia this year.
One of the drop-off locations was Living Faith Church in the town of Nalaikh. This town is 40km from Mongolia's capitol, Ulaanbaatar. On distribution day, 30 children from underprivileged families received a kit full of brand new winter gear! The items in these kits replaced worn and tattered gear that was insufficient for temperatures that often drop below -30°C.

The children were full of joy upon receiving their Winter Kits. Now they are equipped to continue attending school throughout the coldest months. This means that their education will not be disrupted, setting these children back from succeeding and making an impact within their community.
More incredible news: while the children were trying on their new coats and boots, parents were gathered in a separate room where they were able to hear the gospel for the very first time. Exciting things happen when we stand alongside the children from the villages of our project countries. It's because of your support that we have stories of hope and transformation to share.
Friends, let us continue to shine God's light across Asia as the year comes to a close. Click the buttons below to donate today.
With warm blessings this Christmas season,
