Dear Friends,
It's that time of the year again! Our team in Mongolia has been busy packaging winter gear to distribute to at-risk children between the age of 6 and 14.
Because you gave, 1,200 children will receive a Winter Kit this year! That's 1,200 children who won't have to miss weeks of school over the winter because they don't have warm coats and boots. Isn't this incredible news? God is so good!
But there's more!
Over the summer, our Mongolian team wrote and printed 1,200 discipleship manuals. These manuals were delivered to over 50 churches and have been given to the same children that will soon receive Winter Kits.
The manuals are part of a four-week lesson plan designed to help children understand the Gospel. The program is being taught by church volunteers, leading up to the distribution of the Winter Kits.
The first subject of the discipleship program is God is Creator. One of the questions students were asked to answer is: what do you want God to do for you? One 8-year old boy wrote "soccer ball" and a 9-year old girl wrote "for my mum and dad to stop drinking and fighting."
Friends, please pray that parents and caretakers will continue to allow their children to participate in this discipleship course. Please also pray that each child and their family will come to know the love of God.
Rich blessings,
